
Monday, October 7, 2019

"Darkness Defeated Destiny Restored" ~ Peter Waite, 13

Out of darkness, came the serpent,
To the garden to deceive.
Adam's choice, exile decreed....
Out of Eden, eternally!

Into the darkness, came the Son,
To seek and save the lost.
His own life he did not preserve,
But in Adam's race, He bore my cross!

Out of the darkness, He arose, victorious! 
The servant King, conquered the grave.
The King of glory, Creator of all things, 
Died for me, my soul to save!

Into the darkness, now we go
To share the news of our risen King.
Who crushed the serpent, our raging foe...
Vanquished by our heel-bruised King! 

Into darkness, goes the serpent,
No more darkness shall we see!
We fall and worship, with fervent love,
Enjoying Eden, eternally!


Sara Daile said...

I love the Poem, Peter! Keep writing more!

Sara Daile said...

I love the poem Peter! Keep writing more!

Elijah_Atkinson said...

YES! I FOUND IT! You are a beast. This poem is amazing.

Pursuing the Glory of Christ as though He were the most important pursuit in all the world--Because He Is!

" Looking for the Blessed Hope and the appearing of The Glory of our Great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." Titus 2:13