
Monday, May 6, 2019

God's Best Now And Forever Is Himself

The key to obtaining the best life has to offer is desiring "The Best" life has to offer.  That's right and not only is it right--its biblical.  Now, lest you think this is just another prosperity false gospel false promise being trumpeted by a false preacher on cable who writes motivational books take a peek at Psalm 84.

Psalm 84 was written by the descendants of Korah which is in itself very significant.  It's significant because Korah, a contemporary of Moses, was a man who wanted the best that life had to offer.  The only problem was that the best he sought was not God's best for him or anyone else.  

You see, Korah, a subordinate Levite responsible for transporting the furniture and articles within the tabernacle, became dissatisfied with his assigned role.  He believed he deserved better.  He was convinced a more "important" job with greater influence suited him better and would make him much happier.  Significance was, in his mind, to be found in serving more visibly.  Being a Levite was not enough--he wanted to be a priest.  

So, jealous and resentful of his lower, yet very important and essential position, he questioned the claim of Aaron and his sons to be God’s only ordained mediators for the people. Korah argued that the entire community had an equal right to the priesthood. His power play not only challenged Aaron but also Moses and finally even God Himself, affronting the Lord’s divine authority to anoint whomever He chooses.  

Korah's questioning of his role coupled with his desire to seek what he believed was the best for him rather than pursuing God's best for him led to disaster--not only for him but also for 250 malcontents who believed his false preaching.  Because they rejected and rebelled against God's best for them, choosing to create their own "best"--God killed them.  You can read all about Korah's rebellion, false teaching (Yes, he was a false teacher and according to Jude 11 became the a model of what it is to be a false preacher), and demise in Numbers 16.  
On a happier note, the descendants of Korah found favor in God’s eyes. Seven generations after Korah died, the prophet Samuel arose from the line of Korah (1 Chron. 6:31-38 and 1 Samuel 1:1, 20).  The Korahites later became doorkeepers and custodians for the tabernacle while one group of Korahites became elite warriors who joined King David in various military exploits.  During the time of King David, the sons of Korah also rose to the esteemed role as the worship leaders of Israel in which they recorded psalms as well as led the whole congregation in singing.   They recorded eleven psalms--one of which is Psalm 84. 

With this background information in mind, Psalm 84 gives us a beautifully refreshing snapshot of God's grace at work in the lives of people who have come to learn, albeit, the hard way, that the key to obtaining the best life has to offer is found in desiring and pursuing the best God has to offer--which is God Himself.  Psalm 84 is all about finding your satisfaction, significance, and salvation in God and specifically in God's presence by trusting in Him.  

You see, God's dwelling place is lovely because God is there (Ps. 84:1).  God's courts are desirable because God is there (Ps. 84:2).  God's house causes His people to break out in song because God is there (Ps. 84:4).  Hard, difficult and painful circumstances can't break you because God is there.  In fact, because God is there our challenging days are opportunities to enter into even deeper experiences of God's presence (Ps. 84:5-9).  God's personal presence in your life is the guarantee that all you will ever receive from God in this life and the next are manifestations of God's grace and glory (Ps. 84:10-11).  These are the eternal benefits of those who trust God--not to give them His best--but to be their best (Ps. 84:12).

Somehow, Korah missed this.  He thought the key to obtaining the best life has to offer was by pursuing "a best" of his own making.  Sadly, this pursuit cost him his life.  His descendants, on the other hand, in learning from his tragic mistake, recognized that the best life has to offer is God's presence with us now and forevermore.   Whether they knew it on not, the writers of Psalm 84 gave us a beautiful picture of what life is like for those who trust in Jesus--Whose first given name is Emmanuel which means "God with us".


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Pursuing the Glory of Christ as though He were the most important pursuit in all the world--Because He Is!

" Looking for the Blessed Hope and the appearing of The Glory of our Great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." Titus 2:13