
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Fire Lit

(An article written by Pastor Preston from Southern Hills Baptist Church in Copperas Cove, TX. for his church as they contemplated the huge investment they made in the work here in Cameroon.  Preston along with men from SHBC, Covenant of Grace Bible Church in NM, a dear young friend from Washington, and our two sons, Mark and Luke came and ministered in our CM3T School last June.  Many of you reading this have also heavily invested in the ministry here as well.  Thank you and may God be praised!)

Over the last two years, you (SHBC) have prayed for, invested in, and sent out workers (The Waites) in the field of Cameroon Africa. Cameroon is strategically located near the 10/40 window of unreached Northern Africa. It also sits just southeast of hostile Nigeria where the gospel is perverted by western influence and Islamic militants. Though it has been costly, these workers have tilled, planted the seed, and watered the word of truth.

Fast forward to date – A fire has been lit in Cameroon and burns at this hour with a hand full of Africans who have a passion to take the Biblical gospel to their nation. What began in a small rural orphanage and the bush area surrounding it will prove to be the start of something God has done and will bring to completion. What a few of us witnessed, we report.

In the spring of 2012, eleven Africans came to the house of a missionary family (the Waite's). They came with a desire to know and grow in the grace of God and study the works of God. Their desire is God's desire to reach the nations. God has lit the fires of gospel truth in a dark place. Most days we were there was without electricity and common conveniences. But to see these hungry souls yearning for truth was inspiring. I thought of those eleven disciples that Jesus appeared to some days after His resurrection and what Jesus did with those eleven who had nothing but themselves to offer. Jesus sent them and sends even more today. They were lambs among wolves but they were confident in God's word.

Today, eleven Africans from the school of theology (CM3T) facilitated by the Waite family and fueled by our giving and prayers have been sent out into Cameroon. A team remains in the original area just outside of Bamenda. A few have gone to the urban capital area of Yaounde. And a few are in the far hostile north inside the 10/40 window; Maroua. The fire of the Holy Spirit is spreading. To think that God called and used us at Southern Hills to help light this fire is staggering.

Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”( Mt. 9:37). Christians are to be workers in the fields where God has planted them. The difficulty is not the harvest (it is plentiful); Jesus wants workers to do the work of proclaiming the good news with compassion. Make this New Year a year of working in the field where God has given you influence.

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Pursuing the Glory of Christ as though He were the most important pursuit in all the world--Because He Is!

" Looking for the Blessed Hope and the appearing of The Glory of our Great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." Titus 2:13